...World War Two. In Germany, which expects to receive 800,000 asylum-seekers this year, Chancellor Angela Merkel was due in the eastern town of...
Immigration Bill: Illegal workers 'may face six months' jail' The bill, to be introduced in the autumn, will also contain measures against takeaway...
...30-year-old pact. In Germany, which expects 800,000 asylum applications this year, interior minister Thomas de Maiziere says he cannot rule out...
...employing illegal workers are to be included in a new immigration bill designed to create a hostile environment for undocumented migrants in...
...are bolstered at the Calais, evidence suggests criminals are sneaking migrants into the UK through Dieppe and Dunkirk in France and Zeebrugge...
...under new laws Ministers want to be seen getting tough on illegal immigration ahead of new quarterly stats which will show that net migration...
...human rights groups. Alexandra Krause, a senior protection officer with the United Nations refugee agency, UNHCR, said: 'We urge the [Macedonian]
...Adobe Flash installed. State of emergency On Friday, the United Nations refugee agency has urged Macedonia to allocate more space for migrants...
...1000 protesters who were throwing bottles and stones at busloads of asylum seekers in the early hours of today. Peaceful demonstrations were...
...as they were given priority access into the country from Greece. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) workers provided aid to...
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