Older Media Reports

The Pitfalls of Renegotiating UK Membership Terms in the EU

Furthermore, if the UK, then outside the EU, wanted to restrict immigration from the EU, it would have to introduce passport controls on the Irish ...

8 Jan 2014 - Media Report: FreeNewsPos.com
Human traffickers who brought at least 44 women into the UK to be prostitutes jailed

...to Hungary. David Fairclough, from the Home Office's Immigration Enforcement Criminal Investigations team, said: "This appalling gang preyed ...

8 Jan 2014 - Media Report: Express.co.uk
Polish official calls for Tesco boycott in British migrant row

...Party leader Cameron is under pressure to address voter concerns about immigration, an issue that flared up again this month after restrictions ...

8 Jan 2014 - Media Report: Reuters.co.uk
Taxi firm boss says two-thirds of his workforce are from Eastern Europe because lazy Britons just want to claim benefits

...more than three-quarters of British people want to see a cut in immigration . However, fewer people now than in 2011 think immigration is bad for ...

8 Jan 2014 - Media Report: Mail Online
Pragmatic public wants immigration mended, not ended

Pragmatic public wants immigration mended, not ended It shouldn t come as surprise that people s anxieties about immigration aren t eliminated ...

7 Jan 2014 - Media Report: The Independent
PM will miss target to cut migration, says Cable: Intervention could spark new round of Coalition rows

...issue. Mr Cable made his comments in the documentary The Truth About Immigration, to be aired tonight on BBC2. The programme released a poll...

7 Jan 2014 - Media Report: Mail Online
More than three-quarters of Britons want reduction in immigration

More than three-quarters of Britons want reduction in immigration More than three-quarters of British people want to see a cut in immigration ,

7 Jan 2014 - Media Report: Herald Scotland
Those who think immigration is good 'still want cuts'

Those who think immigration is good 'still want cuts' Penny Young, chief executive at NatCen Social Research, said that a majority of people...

7 Jan 2014 - Media Report: ITV.com
Survey: Three-quarters of Brits want cut in immigration

Survey: Three-quarters of Brits want cut in immigration More than three -quarters of British people want to see a cut in immigration, a survey ...

7 Jan 2014 - Media Report: ITV.com
'Immigration should be cut': Three in four Briton's want more restrictions as bars on Romanian and Bulgarian migrants are lifted

'Immigration should be cut': Three in four Briton's want more restrictions as bars on Romanian and Bulgarian migrants are lifted British Social.. .

7 Jan 2014 - Media Report: Mail Online

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