Home Office challenged to give their own projections after questioning figures on the scale of migration into the UK

August 06, 2002

Following claims that figures on the scale of net inward migration into the
UK from independent think-tank MigrationwatchUK were flawed, the group's Chairman has challenged the Home Office to give their own projections.
'Our figures are based on the Home Offices' own statistics so it is difficult to see where we can be criticised,' said Sir Andrew Green, who heads the non-political group. 'But if, as reported in some of today's newspapers, they disagree with our numbers and the methodology behind them they should say precisely why.

'In doing so we would expect them to apply the same level of transparency and provide the same level of detail as we have, supported by the sources from which they are drawn, so that they can be examined as rigorously as ours have been,' he said.

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