Deliberate policies are changing Britain
Weak border policies and a loose system taking their toll
The proponents of high immigration and the shockingly loose points-based system have been out in force ahead of the net migration figures for the whole of 2022 to be announced on May 25. As we we wrote last week, these numbers will be way above the half a million we saw to the end of June 2022.
Nothing that we have been told so far or that the government has proposed, is going to reduce immigration anytime soon, if at all. The number of foreign students, who will be here for years on end, will continue to come to prop up struggling and, it has to be said, not always very good universities. Many will come for postgraduate courses and bring their families. Having completed their course, all can stay on for a further two years to do any job. And a significant proportion will settle here.
It’s all very well to suggest that numbers will fall back eventually when conflicts such as the one in Ukraine are resolved and Hong Kongers stop coming (they won’t). Let’s not forget that there are 3.5 million (plus dependants) Hong Kongers who can take advantage of the open-ended invitation to take the path leading to settlement.
And then, there are the small boats. What an utter fiasco that remains. The Archbishop of Canterbury’s deeply questionable intervention this week speaks volumes about our completely out-of-touch elite. As our Chairman Alp Mehmet said to Nigel Farage this week: ‘What planet is His Grace on? What I would suggest to him is… please stop engaging with the virtue-signalling world of woke and engage with reality.’

Blog of the week
Census Reveals The Massive Impact Of Immigration On Our Society
As already mentioned, the May 25 net migration figures will be breathtaking. It is worth revisiting our report on the census results published in the autumn which revealed the massive changes the UK has witnessed due to population surges driven almost entirely by immigration. In the past 20 years the population of England and Wales has increased by around eight million people. Nearly seven million was due to migration and the children of migrants. This has meant huge population shifts and churn in different areas of the UK but particularly in London, the South East and East of England, and the West and East Midlands. As a result, the white British are now a minority in London, Birmingham and Manchester. See our full blog here.
Migration Watch in the news
GB News: Net migration levels are already at a record high…and could get even higher!
Nigel Farage: ‘Are you suggesting that the Archbishop of Canterbury is in effect encouraging the traffickers to carry on with their trade?’
Alp Mehmet: ‘That is precisely what His Grace is effectively doing by suggesting it is ok to jump into a flimsy boat and come here illegally, risking your life in doing so.’
Financial Times: UK plans curbs on visas for overseas students’ family members
Alp Mehmet: ‘The net migration number for the whole of 2022 will be much higher than the record 500,000 for the year to June 2022. This is over 10 times the number who crossed the Channel last year.’
BBC: What’s being said in support of the Illegal Migration Bill?
Another crossbench peer, the founder of Migration Watch Lord Green of Deddington, backed the Bill, which he says is a small part of the fight against large scale migration. A “real reduction in wider migration is now essential to preserve the country that many of us love”, he says.
The Sun: MIGRANT SURGE More than 700,000 migrants arrived in the UK last year, official figures set to reveal as Tories fear backlash
Alp Mehmet, from Migration Watch UK, believes net migration for last year will “massively” exceed 500,000.
He said: ‘The loose points-based system that followed Brexit has sucked in more and more people, as we said it would.’
Talk TV: The huge impact of record net migration
‘It will be significantly more than half a million. Housing, schools, the NHS, your GP, will all be hugely impacted.’
GB News: Wasn’t Brexit supposed to mean lower levels of immigration?
‘The numbers are going to keep rising until the government actually does something to stop it, and in recent years there’s been little interest from government, with the odd exception, to do that.’
Make your voice heard
It is not just the people traffickers on the Channel who are taking British voters for mugs. It is the politicians too. They want you to believe that the record level of legal migration is just a blip due to current uncertainties, that it will all calm down and that there is nothing to worry about. Well, immigration will continue rising for so long as the present soft system is in place. Time to let them know that you are not fooled and you won’t be voting for more of the same. Write to your MP today to remind them what you voted for.