Voters want a reduction in immigration
Let’s get back to sensible control

Ordinary people in Britain know full well that net migration into the country is too high and has been for years now. The question is not about being pro- or anti-immigration. The issue is the sheer scale.
Before Tony Blair instigated radical changes to our border policy after arriving in Downing Street in 1997, net migration into Britain was around 47,000 a year. Compare that to the 200-300,000 a year we have had since 2001, and what is at stake could not be more clear (see a full break down of net migration trends here).
And yet, the open border zealots and big business lobbies insist on framing any concerns about this dramatic surge in immigration as being racist and xenophobic.
It is time we looked at the serious impact mass immigration has on our economy, services and society.
To take housing as just one of the many areas that demonstrate the problem, Patrick O’Flynn recently noted that the pressure on our social housing due to mass immigration is leaving many ordinary Britons who need a home languishing on waiting lists. As Mr O’Flynn notes, around 30,000 people have been waiting for a home for ten years or more and more than a million in total are currently waiting for social housing. All the while, some immigrant groups from poor countries are taking up disproportionate amounts of the housing stock.
Is this fair?
Whether it is the NHS, schools or infrastructure, mass immigration is putting a massive strain on the quality of life of communities up and down the country. Indeed, as often as not, it is the very communities and families that are struggling who feel it the most. How can it in any way be unreasonable to put the interests of such British communities and families before those who have chosen to come here?
We’re not calling for an end to immigration or to throw up the draw-bridge. All we have ever called for is sensible levels of immigration so that our citizens can once again access key services based on fairness and trust and a shared sense of who we are and what we stand for.
Blog of the week
Does Britain Think Immigration Is Too High?
There are many polls released (and many that are carried out for private use) on how people feel about immigration levels. Polls generally show that a clear majority of voters believe immigration levels to be too high. Regarding a recent YouGov poll, it is not just that 56 per cent believe immigration to be too high, but just as pertinent is that only 16 per cent believe it is too low, with a further 18 per cent thinking it is just right and 10 per cent being uncertain. This is a trend that can be observed in most immigration-related polling. Read our full blog here.
Migration Watch in the news
The Times: Our interests count more than migrant needs
According to Oxford Economics, in 2018 non-EEA migrants cost the public purse £9 billion; in 2016, Migration Watch put the figure for 2014-15 at £15.6 billion.
GB News: Does Suella Braverman’s Rwanda policy act as a “deterrent” to asylum seekers?
‘The truth is, we don’t know yet. But one thing for sure, if we don’t start to show that if you arrive illegally you will not be permitted to stay, the numbers are only going to keep getting higher, as will the costs to the taxpayer with them.’

Make your voice heard
Thank you to those who responded to our call last week to put pressure on their MP.
We appreciate that some MPs will ignore you or fob you off with waffly non-responses.The point however is simply to let them know that you—and the whole issue of mass immigration—is not going away and they avoid taking it seriously at their electoral peril.
If you haven’t done so already, please do write to your MP here.