The PM must stand by the Home Secretary
The new PM must back his Home Secretary and cut immigration, NOW
Firstly, we heartily congratulate Rishi Sunak on becoming our Prime Minister. We wish him well and every success, for all our sakes.
The reappointment of Suella Braverman to Home Secretary is a positive we can take from the recent weeks of farce at the top of British government.
Mrs Braverman has shown that she understands what the British people voted for in 2016, 2017 and 2019 (an unequivocal and clear desire to bring immigration down). Perhaps that is why the Opposition are so incensed at her return and engaging in the age old trick of the Left and going for the individual, because they have no credible alternatives to Suella Braverman on immigration.
Let’s be clear, what Mrs Braverman resigned over had little to do with inadvertently copying in someone who snitched on her. She was pushed out by Liz Truss and the Treasury for resisting the batty idea of increasing immigration to grow the economy.
Mrs Braverman knows that immigration for immigration’s sake is ultimately damaging and costly because any growth of the economy is cancelled out by the resulting growth in population (the OBR said this in 2014) and the consequent demand for more housing, services and space. Queues and waiting times get longer and towns, cities and roads become more congested.
We believe the Prime Minister was right to bring back Mrs B. We hope he now has the courage and the strength of character not to go back on his decision. After all, what has changed and what does he know now that he didn’t know on Tuesday? He will go down in many people’s estimation if he caves in and effectively allows his cabinet to be selected by Labour, the SNP, LibDems, disgruntled Tories and the Guardian.
What is also true is that unless the government, on top of making headway with the economy, gets a grip of the Channel and starts to reduce immigration, they stand zero chance of regaining the voters that appear to have deserted them.
Meanwhile, the chaos that is the English Channel crisis continues apace, with news this week emerging that 10,000 Albanians have crossed in small boats this year, and nearly 40,000 illegal migrants in total (keep updated with our Tracking Station here).
One might have thought that such a large number of asylum claimants from a safe and settled country, aspiring to join the EU, via the safe country of France, would put paid to claims that all those coming were victims fleeing persecution.
However, that is to overlook the open borders brigade who continue to make a mockery of the system designed to provide refuge to those in genuine need.
The Refugee Convention explicitly states that refugees should be coming ‘directly’ from a place where they are being persecuted, yet our asylum system is being increasingly abused. As our Chairman Alp Mehmet told GB News this week, Suella Braverman must get a grip as a matter of urgency.

Blog of the week
Nearly 7 Million New Registrations By Migrants With General Practitioners Since 2010
General Practice in England alone provides over 300 million patient consultations each year. Meanwhile, 6.7 million people are in the NHS waiting list.
What pressure does the uncontrolled, mass immigration place on the NHS? Analysis of statistics produced by the Office for National Statistics (based upon data provided by NHS Digital) shows that there have been about seven million registrations by migrants with GPs in the past decade or so.
Read our full blog here.
Migration Watch in the news
We have had yet another busy week in the nation’s press. See below:
GB News: We hope Suella Braverman gets a grip on the number of UK Channel crossings
‘We’ve got nearly 40,000 people who have just come across the Channel illegally. And they’re the ones that we know about. There are a hell of a lot more who are coming into the country, and we have absolutely no idea who they are, or what sort of security risk they represent. And that is something that I hope Suella Braverman is going to get a grip on.’
You can see this reported in the Daily Express.
Telegraph — Net migration could top 300,000 this year despite Tory manifesto pledge
‘The answer has to be to restore control and invest much more in training, especially in the IT and health sectors.
‘Employers could also raise wages and improve working conditions. The continued reliance on cheaper overseas labour is both self-serving and damaging to the UK labour force.’
We were also quoted on this story in this piece for Breitbart.
iNews: Tory leadership race: How Rishi Sunak and Penny Mordaunt could approach immigration policies
‘The massive increase in inflows is largely down to Boris Johnson’s ridiculously loose points-based system, driven by Rishi Sunak’s Treasury and which Penny Mordaunt went along with.
‘As for solving the Channel crisis, Mr Johnson failed miserably and neither Ms Mordaunt nor Mr Sunak has given any sign that they will do any better.’
Talk TV: The government is spending nearly £7 million a day housing asylum seekers
‘I think Suella Braverman actually is finally someone who may well be able to get a grip and deal with this.’
Southern Daily Echo: MP Royston Smith hits out at plan to house asylum seekers in Dolphin Hotel.
‘It is appalling that asylum seekers are being put up in nice hotels at high cost to the taxpayer and local economies.
‘Instead of hosting visitors only too happy to spend money around Southampton, hotels are having to accommodate asylum seekers, many of whom arrived without permission, at a time when services and communities are already under great strain.
’It is high time the Home Office got a grip on the Channel crisis and works through the asylum backlog.
‘The government’s failure to control the border is leading to massive costs and burdens at a time when the UK can least afford it.’
Make your voice heard
We firmly believe that the message is getting through. That is why Suella Braverman was brought back as Home Secretary. Those at the top of government really do fear the wrath of their voters, especially as general elections loom into sight.
The hideously loose points-based system opened doors wider for people in 80% of the world’s countries, despite promises to reduce immigration and deliver firmer control. It has been a blatant betrayal of what was promised.
Those who have responded to our request to contact their MP over the weakening of the immigration system under Boris Johnson can take some credit for shifting the dial. To those who have not done so yet, please do write to your MP today and make your voice heard.