Reduce ALL immigration or lose power
Message to our next PM, reduce immigration or lose power
Once again, the headlines this week have been filled with the ever-worsening scandal that is the crisis on the English Channel. We have already reached well over 4,000 crossings for August alone – the highest monthly total this year – bringing the number for the year to above 20,000. That’s 86% more than the numbers this time last year (as always, keep abreast of the news through our Channel Tracking Station). On top of the surging numbers, it has been reported that some entering the UK for asylum claimed to be children despite being well over 30. See below for our response to this scandal.
Meanwhile, the Conservative leadership candidates have not gone beyond uttering “Rwanda” and “ECHR” (which they might pull out of should it become necessary….). In other words, they will continue with the current, failed, policies and do nothing about the massive levels of immigration.
As our Chairman Alp Mehmet told GB News’s Colin Brazier this week (see below), until we demonstrate to illegal migrants and human traffickers that if they come here without permission they won’t be allowed to stay, the problem will only get worse. The solution is simple, but it requires a shift in attitude. The former Prime Minister of Australia Tony Abbott put it succinctly when speaking to Nigel Farage, saying, “serious countries do not allow themselves to be taken advantage of.”
Well, quite. However, as Alp also told Colin Brazier, the problem is much bigger than the Channel or asylum. For decades, our leaders have ignored the democratic will of the people by taking millions of people legally into the country. All this results in rapid and destabilising change for our country over a short period of time. As Conservative MP Neil O’Brien wrote in Conservative Home last week, no future leader of the Tory party can afford to keep promising a reduction in immigration only to let more and more migrants in through the back [and front] door. Our political class has a choice: do they want to pander to every demand of the immigration industry and their big donors, or do they want to listen to the people that actually put them in power and bring down the numbers to common sense levels?

Blog of the week
Alarming Rise In Abuse Of Modern Slavery Laws
Recent reports in the Telegraph have shown that Theresa May’s flagship Modern Slavery laws have become a convenient loophole for those trying to avoid removal from the UK. In 2015, just 3,000 claims were made under Modern Slavery laws and most were by UK citizens. The projection is for about 16,000 to be made this year, with the majority of these by non-UK citizens. An intervention by former immigration minister Chris Philp dramatically confirms what we at Migration Watch UK have been saying for some time – that the rules are currently far too lax and increasingly act as a gateway for wholesale abuse of our immigration system. We are being taken for mugs! Please read our blog here.
Migration Watch in the news
We’ve been in demand in the national press again this week. See below:
GB News: Those coming in illegally are 86% above what they were this time last year
‘If we are talking about numbers, if we are talking about those who need housing, those who need medical attention, we’ve got to look beyond the Channel.’
And you can see a write-up of Alp’s appearance on GB News here in the Express.
Talk TV: Royal Navy’s decision to end their involvement in halting migrant crossings by January 2023
‘My own feeling always was that it was a pointless exercise. Unless the Royal Navy was going to come in and actually discourage migrants from jumping into boats—discourage the traffickers from attempting to bring them over—I’m afraid it was always going to have the opposite effect.’
Telegraph: Over 50 illegal migrants aged 30 and above registered as children on UK arrival
‘These are astonishing figures that reveal a seriously worrying situation. There is absolutely no excuse for placing people much nearer middle-age than childhood among vulnerable minors.
‘No individual, where doubts about age exist, should be allowed anywhere near vulnerable youngsters, in any setting. The safety of our children has to be paramount.’
You can also find this story reported by the Daily Mail here.
Make your voice heard
No cap on the numbers. No priority given to UK workers for recruitment. Lower skills and education thresholds for migrant visas. They promised us ‘control’ only to use our re-acquired sovereignty to weaken our borders and open Britain up to millions of workers from around the globe. Now, those in 80% of the world’s countries find it easier to come and work here than before Brexit. Countless other wide avenues into the country have since been opened as part of the government’s obsession with appeasing the immigration industry. Totally ridiculous. Do write to your MP here to make your voice heard.
PS Still no reply from the leadership candidates to our chairman’s letter inviting them to commit to lower immigration levels.