Promise after promise on immigration betrayed
So Britain’s population is on course to shoot past 70 million and a growing share of the surge is expected to be driven by mass immigration.
This was stated in new projections by government analysts. These new estimates (see our comment and the ONS projections themselves) suggest that more than five million net migrants will come here by mid-2045. That is addition to the five and a half million who have come in the past 20 years. The news comes in the wake of papers that we published last year showing how mass immigration has changed the UK population, and its impact on the regions of the UK – see here and here. The first of these noted that 90% of population growth in 2017 to 2019 was due to immigration, both directly and indirectly. When we warned 10 years ago that the population would reach 70 million and of the implications of that happening, we were dismissed as alarmist. The population then was still under 60 million.
As this news emerged, it also came to light that over 100,000 people have applied for resettlement under the Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy, even though this is meant to be only for those who helped UK forces directly and even after the Home Secretary herself said: “We simply do not have the infrastructure or the accommodation” – see her testimony to House of Lords, Justice and Home Affairs Committee, 27 October 2021. This of course is in addition to the promise of resettling up to 5 million Hong Kongers. Clearly, our government has no intention whatsoever of reducing mass immigration. In fact they seem to take every opportunity that comes their way to increase it.
Meanwhile, recent research noted that London is already the most congested city on the planet. As we told the press this week (see below), this is simply unsustainable. The only remedies are a reduction in immigration, effective border control and policies that support UK families to access services and enjoy a better quality of life. We’ve been saying this for years, of course. Sadly, our leaders just refuse to attend to the needs of ordinary people.

Blog of the week
The Prime Minister was being economical with the truth this week. No, not about partygate, but when he claimed at Prime Minister’s Questions that net migration had reduced since ‘we took back control’ (when free movement ended on 31 December 2020). We do not understand what he bases this extraordinary assertion on because there have been no net migration figures released by the ONS for 2021 yet. Although recent visa figures released by the Home Office (for the year to September 2021) suggested a rise across categories, including nearly 60,000 people from Hong Kong. Moreover, if the near-30,000 illegal Channel crossings last year are anything to go by (over triple the year before), net migration has very likely increased. Let’s hope the PM sets the record straight once the actual figures are available for what happened in 2021. See here for the full blog.
Migration Watch in the news
Our Chairman Alp Mehmet was quoted in the national media this week. See below: The Times: UK population estimate scaled back as deaths set to overtake births ‘These projections point to the impact of mass immigration and uncontrolled borders, with more than two million people expected to come from overseas than leave over the next decade.’ This is taken from a press release we released on the new ONS figures, the full version of which you can see here:‘These projections point to the impact of mass immigration and uncontrolled borders, with more than two million people expected to come from overseas than leave over the next decade. Indeed, about all of population growth over the period is likely to be due to immigration. England is already the most crowded nation in Europe. When is the government going to get serious about controlling immigration in the way that they have so clearly failed to do so far?’ Please see also Alp’s article in The Conservative Woman this weaken the rise of asylum age fraud. The Conservative Woman: As Channel migrants surge, a rising tide of asylum age-fakers ‘It is no coincidence that the number of adults found to be falsely claiming to be children more than tripled in the year that illegal Channel crossings surged from 8,461 in 2020 to 28,401 in the year just ended.’ Last week we published the transcript of our President Lord Green’s speech in the House of Lords during the second reading of the government’s Nationality and Borders Bill. You can see the full speech on YouTube here: YouTube: Lord Green of Deddington standing up for the 30 million ‘The scale of illegal immigration has now reached the point at which it engages much wider considerations. These include the credibility of our borders, the scale of net migration, the cost of a failing asylum system and the reputation of the Government for straight dealing with those who elected them.’ We were also pleased to see that the government announced new rules to improve age checks for asylum seekers. Telegraph: New rules to crack down on adult migrants claiming to be children We of course highlighted the issue with the paper we referred to in last week’s email. |
Make your voice heard |
A quick reminder from us to contact your local MP if you are unhappy with the government’s policy on immigration. The failure to secure the border as promised is impossible to ignore. When this current administration came to power in 2019 many of us believed it would mark a break from the polices of the last twenty years. Whether Tory or Labour, governments have systematically sought to use mass immigration to source cheap labour and in certain cases, to reshape this country. A deliberate policy of change instigated by Sir Tony Blair’s administrations. Boris Johnson, despite being the face of Brexit and ‘take back control’ seems to be in the same mould as his New Labour predecessor. Our present government has got rid of a key cap on work permits for migrants, lowered skills and education thresholds and stopped companies being required to give priority to UK workers. All this under the cover of ostensibly taking back control. What a disappointment they have been and no wonder their support in the polls has plummeted. Let’s remind them that we are not fooled and that we don’t take kindly to one promise after another being broken.