EU buckles as Merkel’s migrants hit 1 million

Migrants queue on a street to enter a compound in Berlin Office for their registration
Migrants queue on a street to enter a compound in Berlin Office for their registration

The influx of refugees entering Germany this year has passed the one million mark, heaping pressure on European leaders as they struggle to cope with the migrant crisis.

Angela Merkel, the German chan-cellor, resisted calls to set limits on those fleeing countries such as Syria. David Cameron, however, ramped up demands for Britain to be allowed to withhold in-work benefits from EU migrants for four years after their arrival.

The prime minister said last night that net migration of 300,000 a year was not sustainable in Britain and called on the EU to show “flexibility to respond to the concerns”. He is expected to step up that call today during a visit to Poland, one of the countries most opposed to a measure it regards